12. Life After Death: Dawkins (argument against Dualism and the Soul)

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 18-06-17 18:42
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  • 12. Life After Death: Dawkins (argument against Dualism and the Soul)
    • River Out of Eden
    • A biological materialist - rejects the concept of an immortal soul
      • "There is no spirit-driven life force, no throbbing, heaving, pullalating, protoplasmic, mystic jelly. Life is just bytes and bytes of digital information"
    • A soul doesn't guide us, genetic make-up does as humans are merely DNA carriers, and only this exists beyond life through evolution, where good genes continue and bad genes die out
    • Genes (the replicator) are a colony of information wanting to be replicated, and this is easier to achieve in multi-cellular organisms, and we only feel like a single organism because natural selection favoured co-operating genes
    • On religious concepts of the soul
      • Any evidence of divine activity is an illusion, and a belief in the soul is anachronistic and damaging to society as it discourages self-growth
      • Scientific belief is supported by evidence (the existence of DNA etc) whereas myths and faiths are not
      • Further argues that there is no creator God and that life lacks purpose and is indifferent to suffering
        • "DNA neither knows nor cares, DNA just is"
    • Life after death
      • Only continuation of us is genes passed on to offspring
      • Memes continue if they have been incorporated in the soup of human culture
      • There is no soul and direct existence after death


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