USA and the WDER WORLD 1929-1945.

What was isolationism?
The belief that America should not become involved in world affairs, and concentrate their own country's problems.
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How did the USA help Europe recover from the first World War?
1. Lending money to European countries. 2. Disarmament meetings to prevent war in the future.
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What was 'Cash and Carry'?
Countries could buy war material from the USA, provided they paid cash and transported the goods in their own ships.
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What was ROOSEVELT'S 'Good neighbour policy'?
A policy to encourage economic cooperation with other nations.
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What did 'Neutrality Acts' do?
Banned loans and the sale of munitions to countries involved in war.
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What was the 'Lend Lease' Scheme? When was it passed?
1941. An agreement where America lent military equipment to Britain, and later USSR free of charge.
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When was Pearl Harbour?
Sunday 7th December 1941.
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Explain the events of Pearl Harbour.
Surprise attack. Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Kamikaze pilots. 2345 US service men died.
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When did USA and Britain declare war on Japan?
8th December 1941.
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What happened on 11th December 1941.
Germany and Italy declared war on USA, honouring their military agreement to help Japan.
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Explain D-Day. When? Where? Results?
Operation Overlord. 156,000 US and British troops landed on 5 Normandy beaches. Utah & Omaha. 2499 US D-Day fatalities.
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Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe, on what date?
8 May 1945.
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What was the Battle of Coral Sea. When was it?
May 1942. Japan's first defeat against America.
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What was the Battle of Midway Island. When was it?
June 1924. TURNING POINT because Japan failed to capture Midway Island.
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What was the Battle of Leyte Gulf? When was it?
October 1944. Largest sea battle in history. Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers and two battleships. America captured the Philippines.
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What happened at Iwo Jima in February 1945?
It was capturedby the US, 20,000 Japanese soldiers we killed. 4000 Us marines killed.
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What was America's plan to defeat Japan between April and August 1945?
A bombing campaign, using B29 Superfortress bombers. Despite tremendous damage, the japanese government refused to surrender.
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What did president Truman authorise on 6th August 1945?
The dropping of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing 80,000 people instantly and up to 138,000 as a result of radiation sickness. Still the Japanese would nto surrender.
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When was the second Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki?
9th August 1945. It killed 40,000 people instantly, and this rose to 48,000 due to radiation sickness.
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Japan finally surrendered unconditionally on:
15th August 1945. The war in the Pacific was now over.
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The 4 Key reasons for the US victory in the Pacific are:
1. Able to produce much military hardware and weapons. 2. Japans weapon production badly affected by American bombing raids. 3. Naval victories (Coral Sea, Leyte Gulf) 4. Bombing of Japan's Cities.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How did the USA help Europe recover from the first World War?


1. Lending money to European countries. 2. Disarmament meetings to prevent war in the future.

Card 3


What was 'Cash and Carry'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was ROOSEVELT'S 'Good neighbour policy'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did 'Neutrality Acts' do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Caitlin Prestwich


First world war? 1924? Get your facts straight Harriet! :P

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