Unit 3 Battle for the biosphere

  • Created by: Priya
  • Created on: 31-12-13 19:49
What is a biome?
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What is a biome determined?
Climate: Temperature - length of the growing season, Precipitation, Sunshine hours = precipitation, Humidity
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What happens when the sun hits the equator?
At the equator the suns rays hit the earth at right at right angles, therefore concentrating the isolation and making it very hot. At the poles the rays hit at a greater angle, so the isolation is spread out over a greater area and is much les conc
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At the equator why is their so many rain forests?
At the equator the air is always rising = LOW pressure = clouds and rain = rain forests
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30 degrees to the north and south of equator, why are their many deserts?
Here the air is always sinking which means high pressure which means no clouds
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What does the term ALTITUDE mean? (and how does temp vary there)
Height of the land - as height increases so teh climate gets increasingly cold and wet. Temperature decreases 1 degree for every 100m of height
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What is a GOOD?
Things of value to us
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What is a SERVICE?
Things that satisfy our needs
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Fruits, nuts, Food crops, Meat, fish, wood, Biomass for energy, Drinking water, water for farming, Gene pool
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Pollination for food webs, Climate regulation, Atmosphere gas balance (trees remove CO2 ad g
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What does sustainability mean?
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own goods
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How is the biosphere being degraded by human actions?
habitats are being damaged and destroyed -> threatens species survival
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Immediate actions of human biosphere degradation?
logging, over fishing pollution
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Root cases of human biosphere degradation?
increasing populations, economic development e.g China, India -> now = more money and therefore consuming more food/fuel
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How have ecosystems changed over time?
MASS EXTINCTION - We are threatening ability of biosphere to provide goods/services due to: Population growth, Using more food, oil, water, minerals, Human induced change (global warming)
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What are the impacts of climate change on the biosphere?
Habitats broken up, Habitats changed due to change in climate/weather conditions, extreme weather, Flooding, increases pests/insects, species face extinction, Glaciers melting, Emperor penguins decreased by 50%
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How can we conserve the biosphere? (Global)
Global actions = RAMSAR -> conserving wetlands CITIES -> stop ivory trade/crocodile skins
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How can we conserve the biosphere? (National)
National Parks England and Wales = protected areas e.g The peak district, Community Forests - new areas of trees near cities, paying farmers to replace hedgerows
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How can we conserve the biosphere? (Local)
Biodiversity action plans e.g Havering Wildlife Trust, Bedfords Park
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What is Sustainable management?
Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future generations,
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How can we sustainably manage in the Tropical rain forest?
make sure it isn't used faster than it is renewed. Ways to do this -> Zoning, Educating local people, Eco tourism, Only cut large trees, Protected areas
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a biome determined?


Climate: Temperature - length of the growing season, Precipitation, Sunshine hours = precipitation, Humidity

Card 3


What happens when the sun hits the equator?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


At the equator why is their so many rain forests?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


30 degrees to the north and south of equator, why are their many deserts?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Mr A Gibson


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