Sociology Crime and Deviance Perspectives!!!!WOOOOHOOO!

Theories, concepts etc.

  • Created by: Parsnip
  • Created on: 19-06-11 11:41
What are the formal controls of crime?
courts, laws etc
1 of 29
Who, in the 19th century stated that criminals have shared biological characteristics?
2 of 29
What psychological theory did Freud use to explain crime?
Oedipus Complex
3 of 29
What are the 5 reactions to lack of means to attain goals, according to Merton's Strain Theory?
Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, Rebellion.
4 of 29
What was Hirschi's theory of?
Social Bonds.
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What type of sucide comes from someone with a lack of social integration?
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What kind of suicide come from someone who is too socially integrated?
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What kind of someone comes from someone believing life will not improve, as the result of an oppressive force in their lives?
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What kind of suicide occurs from when someone feels normlessness?
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What did Box say about the definitions of crime?
should be extended so that legal acts that are harmful are criminal
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What did Chambliss note about the way the police spend their time?
Mostly spent on working class, minor offences, rather than corporate or white collar.
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Who devised the New Criminology?
Taylor, Walton and Young.
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According to New Criminology, why do people commit crime?
as a political act, they are resisting the oppression of the state.
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What political theory does New Crimonology associate itself with?
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Who left New Crimonology and became involved with Left Realism?
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Left Realists describe three reasons for crime? Relative Deprivation, Marginalisation and Subculture?
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What do Left Realists think will help ease crime?
tackling it's causes
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Who Devised the concept of 'broken windows'
Wilson and Kelling
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What theory is Broken Windows most associated with?
Right Realism
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What did Albert Cohen say that working class youths suffer from?
status frustration
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Matza says we have subtarranean values, who is more likely to unleash them?
Youth subcultures
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What else did Matza note about criminal behaviour?
people drift in and out of it in their lifetime.
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Cloward and Ohlin noted three types of deviancy:
Conflict, Criminal and Retreatist.
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Miller claimed that working clas youths have focal concerns, what are some of them?
Smartness, toughness, fatalism, excitment
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Becker noted that our definition of deviance is not
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Box noted that people in jury service did what?
fiddled their expenses
26 of 29
What did Lemert note?
primary and secondary deivance.
27 of 29
What solutions do Postmodernists supply for tackling crime?
people buy goods to protect themselves and their homes
28 of 29
Are you going to pass this exam and just generally have a jolly good time?
29 of 29

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who, in the 19th century stated that criminals have shared biological characteristics?



Card 3


What psychological theory did Freud use to explain crime?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 5 reactions to lack of means to attain goals, according to Merton's Strain Theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was Hirschi's theory of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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love ur last question class !!



love ur last question class !!



its official, im going to fail



what exam board is this? i am taking WJEC and managed to get 53% so don't think I am doing too bad...

Fyzah :p


Whoohoo!! I got the last question right... I must be a genius ;)

LOL xD thanks Parsnip (btw, cool name :p)



this is a really good quiz. thank u for posting it. loved ur last question :)

Hannah Farci


REEEEEEEEAALLLLY helpful! thank you so much!

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