Biology Unit 3 Key Words

Key words from the higher textbook


Unit 3

  • Created by: Louisa
  • Created on: 05-05-13 21:07
Partially Permeable
Allowing only certain substances to pass through
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The net movement of water from an area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water along a concentration gradient
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Active Transport
The movement of substances against a concentration gradient and/or across a cell membrane, using energy
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Lacking in Water
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To restore water to a system
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With Plenty of Water
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The solid which dissolves in a solvent to form a solution
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Exchange Surface
A surface at which materials are exchanged
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Movement of air into and out of the lungs
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Gaseous Exchange
The exchange of gases. e.g. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the lungs and the blood
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Tiny air sacks in the lungs which increase the surface area for gaseous exchange
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The smallest blood vessels which run between each individual cell. They have a wall which is one cell thick
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the physical movement of air into and out of the lungs. In humans this is brought about by the action of the intercostal muscles on the ribs and diaphragm
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breathing system
The stems involved in breathing: the ribs, the intercostal muscles, diaphragm and the lungs and tubes that bring the air from outside in
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The upper chest region of the body. In humans it includes the ribcage, heart and lungs
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Lower region of the body containing digestive system kidneys etc.
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strong sheet of muscle that seperates the thorax from the abdomen; changing volume of the chest during the ventilation of the lungs
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intercostal muscles
Muscles between the ribs which raise and lower during breathing movements
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negative pressure
System when the external pressure is lower than the internal pressure
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positive pressure
System where the external pressure is higher than the internal pressure
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Area with little or no gas pressure
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The main tube lined with cartilage rings which carries air from the nose and mouth towards the lungs
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Finger-like projections from the lining of the small intestine which increase the surface area for the absorbtion of digested food into the blood
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A change of state from a liquid to a gas below its boiling point
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Waxy covering of a leaf or insect which reduces water loss from the surface
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Guard Cells
Cells which surround the stomata in the leaves of plants and control their opening and closing
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Root Hair Cells
Cell on a root of a plant with microscopic hairs which increases the surface area for the absorbtion of water and mineral ions from the soil by active transport
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The loss of water vapour from the leaves of the plant through the stomata when they are open allowing gas exchange for photosythesis
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Transpiration Stream
The movement of water through a plant from the roots to the leaves as a result of the loss of water from evapouration from the surface of the leaves
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Process in which plants droop when they are short of water or too hot. This redices further water loss and cell damage
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Transport System
A system for transporting substances around a multicellular living organism
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Blood Circulation System
The system by which the blood is pumped around the body
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Blood Vessels
Tubes which carry blood around the body
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Muscular organ which pumps blood around the body
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Liquid that is pumped around the body by the heart; it contains blood cells, dissolved food, oxygen, waste products, mineral ions, hormones and other substances needed in the body or needing to be removed from the body
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Double Circulation
Seperate circulation of the blood from the heart to the lungs then back to the heart and then to the body
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Containing Oxygen
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Blood Vessel that carries blood away from the heart
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Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. Usually deoxygenated blood and has valves that prevent backflow of blood
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Coronary Arteries
Artery that carries oxygenated blood to the muscle of the heart
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Small upper chambers of the heart; right atrium recieves blood from the body and the left atrium recives blood from the lungs
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Vena Cava
Large vein going into the right atrium carrying deoxygenated blood from the body
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Lacking oxygen
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Pulmonary Vein
Large blood vessel bringing blood into the left atrium of the heart to the lungs
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The large chambers at the bottom of the heart, the right pumps blood tot he lungs, the left to the body
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Pulmonary Artery
Large blood vessel taking deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
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The main artery leaving the left ventricle carrying oxygenated blood to the body
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Structure that prevents backflow fo a liquid; the valves of the heart or the veins
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A metal mesh placed in the artery which is used to open the blood vessel by the inflation of a tiny balloon
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Clear yellow liquid part of the blood which carries dissolved substances and blood cells around the body
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Red Blood Cells
Blood cell which contains the red pigment haemoglobin. Bioconcave discs and gives the blood its red colour
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White Blood Cells
Blood Cell that is invloved in the immune system; engulfs bacteria, make antibodies and pevents cell damage
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Fragment of cell in the blood which is vital for clotting mechanism to work
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Waste product formed by the breakdown of excess aminoacids in the liver
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The liquid produced by the kidneys containing the metabolic waste product urea anlong with excess salts and water fromt he body
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Bioconcave Discs
Shape of Red Blood Cells
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Coloured Molecule
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Red pigment which carries oxygen round the body
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Molecule formed when haemoglobin binds to oxygen molecules
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Transfer of blood from on person to another
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Person who gives material from their body to another person who needs healthy tissue
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A large organ in the abdomen which carries out a wide range of functions in the body
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The organ where urine is stored until its released from the body
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Selective Reabsorbtion
Varying amount of water and dissolved mineral ions that are taken back into the blood in the kidney depending on what is needed by the body
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Yeloow pigment that comes from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the liver
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The process of cleansing the blood through a dialysis machine when the kidneys have failed
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Kidney Transplant
Replacing failed kidneys with a healthy kidney from a donor
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Dialysis Machine
The machine used to remove urea and excess mineral ions from the blood when the kidneys fail
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The person that recieves the donor organ or tissue
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Immune Response
The response of the immune system that react to cells carrying foreign antigens; results in making antigens against the foreign cells and the destruction of those cells
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Immunosuppressant Drugs
Drugs which suppress the immune system of the recipitent of a transplant to prevent rejection
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Transplanting tissues or organs from one species to another
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Core Body Temperature
The internal temperature of the body
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Thermoregulatory Centre
The area of the brain that is sensitive to the temperature of the blood
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The state when the core body temperature drops below normal range
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A hormone involved with controlling blood sugar levels
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Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes which is when the pancreas cannot make insulin. It usually occurs in children and young adults and can be treated by regular insulin injections
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A hormone involved with controlling blood sugar levels
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Embryonic Stem Cells
Stem cell which the potential to form a number of different specialised cells which is taken from an early embryo
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Something that cannot be replaced once it is used up
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Industrial Waste
Waste produced by industrial processes
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A combination of body waste, waste water form homes and rainfall overflow from street drains
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Scientific study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment
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A fertile soil contains enough minerals eg. nitrates; to supply the crops with essensial nutrients fro healthy growth
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the process fo which excessive nutrients (fertiliser into the water) lead to very fast plant growth leading to competion so plants die and are decomposed by microorgansm that respire using up dissolved oxygen; the water can no longer sustain animals
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Acid Rain
Rain that is acidic due to dissolved gases such as sulfur dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels
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Removal of forests by felling, burning etc.
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The number and variety of different organisms found in a specified area
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Hydrocarbon gas CH4 makes up main flammable component of biogas
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Global Warming
Warming of the earth due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping infrared radiation from the surface
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Greenhouse Gases
Gases such as CO2 and methane which absorb infrared radiation from the earth resulting in the heating of the atmosphere
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Greenhouse Effect
Trapping infrared radiation from the sun as a result of greenhouse gases (CO2 adn methane) in the earths atmosphere. This effect maintains the temperature of the surface of the earth to sustain life
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Fuel produced from biological material which is renewable and sustainable
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Methane produced by the fermentation of biological materials
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A process which seperates components of a mixture on the basis of their different boiling points
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Carbon Neutral
A process which uses as much carbon dioxide as it produces
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Reaction where the products have more energy than the reactants; releases energy as heat
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Sustainable Food Production
Methods of producing food that can be sustained over time without destroying the fertility of the land or ocean
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A food based on the fungus 'fusarium' that grows and reproduces rapidly; it means 'Protein from Fungus'
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The reaction in which the enzymes in yeast turn guclode into ethanol and CO2
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The net movement of water from an area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water along a concentration gradient



Card 3


The movement of substances against a concentration gradient and/or across a cell membrane, using energy


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Card 4


Lacking in Water


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Card 5


To restore water to a system


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Sophie :)


evaporation not 'evapouration'

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