The Big Three

Who were they? What did they want out of the peace settlements? Why? Did they get what they wanted? Why did they disagree?

You have to be able to answer these questions for GCSE History, so test yourself here with this quiz to see if you know what you need to.

  • Created by: Tiula
  • Created on: 29-03-10 14:41

1. Another leader was present at the negotiations but walked out as he was not given the land he was promised. Who was he and what country did he represent?

  • Lenin - Russia
  • Mason - Ireland
  • Orlando - Italy
  • Georges - Belgium
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of the following did Clemenceau NOT want from the peace treaty?

  • Allies should share Germany's colonies
  • Disarm Germany
  • The League of Nations
  • Breaking up Germany into small states

3. Which of the following was NOT a reason why Clemenceau wanted a harsh treaty?

  • He hated Germans on principle
  • He was scared that Germany would attack again
  • Fighting was on French soil
  • He had a harsh character

4. Which was not a reason why the Big Three disagreed?

  • Their countries had varying degrees of destruction during the war
  • America did not have colonies to lose
  • Their countries had varying degrees of wealth, so they wanted different amounts of reparations.
  • They had very different characters

5. "He wanted a fair treaty that kept the world peaceful." - Who is this most likely to be said about?

  • Wilson
  • Clemenceau
  • Lenin
  • Lloyd George




really useful - highlighted areas i need to work on!!

Anthony Rogers


It's pretty good except that reparations were set at £6.6 billion not £6.5 billion 

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