French Vocabulary

1 of 341
suite a cela
following that
2 of 341
3 of 341
tout d'abord
first of all
4 of 341
en ce moment/ actuellement
at the moment, currently
5 of 341
toutes les semaines/tous les jours
every week/every day
6 of 341
une fois par mois
once a month
7 of 341
8 of 341
de temps en temps
from time to time
9 of 341
pendant les vacances
during the holidays
10 of 341
11 of 341
J'aime bien/J'aime surtout
I like/I like above all
12 of 341
Je m'interesse a
I'm interested in
13 of 341
J'ai horreur de
I loathe
14 of 341
Je pense que/Je crois que
I think that
15 of 341
Je trouve que
I find that
16 of 341
Je suis divais que
I'm of the opinion that
17 of 341
Je suis (tout a fait) d'accord
I (completely) agree
18 of 341
Je suis (totalement) pour
I'm (totally) in favour of
19 of 341
Je suis absolument contre
I am totally against
20 of 341
la moitie (de)/plus de la moitie (de)
half (of)/ more than half (of)
21 of 341
un tiers
a third
22 of 341
un quart
a quarter
23 of 341
24 of 341
25 of 341
un sur dix
one in ten
26 of 341
trois virgule cinq
three point five
27 of 341
en moyenne
on average
28 of 341
selon un sondage recent
according to a recent survey
29 of 341
selon les statistiques
according to statistics
30 of 341
il semble que
it seems that
31 of 341
il est evident que
it's obvious that
32 of 341
en plus
in addition, what's more
33 of 341
par contre
on the other hand
34 of 341
Ce week-end, je fais
This weekend, I'm doing
35 of 341
Ja vais + infinitif
I'm going to
36 of 341
Je voudrais/ J'aimerais + infinitif
I'd like / to
37 of 341
J'ai envie de + infintif
I'd like to
38 of 341
J'espere + infinitif
I hope to
39 of 341
Je compte/Je pense +infitnitif
I'm thinking of
40 of 341
J'ai l'intention de/J'envisage de = infinitif
I'm intending to
41 of 341
Je peux + infinitif
I can
42 of 341
J'ai le driot de +infinitif
I'm allowed to
43 of 341
On me permet de + infinitif
I'm allowed to
44 of 341
On ne me permet pas de +infinitif
I'm not allowed to
45 of 341
Je dois + infinitif
I have to
46 of 341
Je suis oblige(e) de + infinitif
I have to
47 of 341
Il faut + infinitif
You have to, you must
48 of 341
Il ne faut pas + infintif
You don't have to, you must not
49 of 341
Il s'agit de + noun or infinitif
It's a question of
50 of 341
Il vaut mieux + infinitif
It's better to
51 of 341
Il convenient de + infinitif
It's appropriate to
52 of 341
Moi, je + conditionnel
53 of 341
Tu pourrais + infinitif
You could
54 of 341
Tu devrais + infintif
You ought to
55 of 341
Si j'etais toi/vous, je + conditionnel
I I were you, I'd
56 of 341
A ta votre place, je +conditionnel
If I were you, I'd
57 of 341
Pourquoi est-ce que tu/vous ne...?
Why don't you...?
58 of 341
As-tu deja essaye +infinitif
Have you tried
59 of 341
J'aurais du + infitif
I should have
60 of 341
J'aurais pu
I could have
61 of 341
Moi, je trouve que
I think that
62 of 341
Pour moi, il est important de
For me, it's important to
63 of 341
Je suis convaincu(e) que
I'm convinced that
64 of 341
Je crois personellement
Personally, I think that
65 of 341
Je ne sais pas du tout d'accord parce que
I really don't agree that
66 of 341
Au contraire, moi je pense que
On the other hand, I think that
67 of 341
En revanche, je crois plutot que
On the other hand, I think that
68 of 341
Oui. mais il e fait pas oublier que
Yes, but you musn't forget that
69 of 341
il n'est pas sur/ ce n'est pas certain que
It's not certain that
70 of 341
il est essetiel que
It's essential that
71 of 341
il est necessaire que/il faut que
it's possible that
72 of 341
avoir peur que
to fear that
73 of 341
vouloir/ne pas vouloir que
to want/not to want that
74 of 341
refuser que
to refuse that
75 of 341
c'est dommage que
it's a pity that
76 of 341
exiger que
to demand that
77 of 341
le lecteur/l'aiditeur/le spectateur
the reader/listener/viewer
78 of 341
le feuilleton/le journal telivise
the soap/the TV news
79 of 341
les informations/les actualites
the news
80 of 341
se tenir au courant
to keep up (with current events)
81 of 341
etre bien informe(e)
to be well informed
82 of 341
l'emission/la chaine
the programme/ the channel
83 of 341
to broadcast
84 of 341
le presse ecrite/la presse gratuite
the written press/the free press
85 of 341
le quotidien/l'hebdomadaire/le mensuel
the daily/weekly/monthly
86 of 341
la tele realite
reality TV
87 of 341
le reportage/le documentaire
the report/the documentary
88 of 341
aborder un sujet important
to tackle an important subject
89 of 341
un bonne/mauvaise influence
a good.bad influence
90 of 341
la publicite
91 of 341
le message cache
the hidden message
92 of 341
le sondage
the survey
93 of 341
la concurrence
the competition
94 of 341
renforcer des stereotypes
to reinforce stereotypes
95 of 341
donner de bons conseils
to give good advice
96 of 341
utiliser/un utilisatuer
a user
97 of 341
le chat/chatter
chat/to chat (online)
98 of 341
telecharger/le telechargement
to download/a download
99 of 341
la messagerie instantanee
instant messaging
100 of 341
le loiciel
101 of 341
le lectuer MP3
an MP3 player
102 of 341
un ordinateur portable
a laptop
103 of 341
un casque radio
104 of 341
un cle USB
a USB stick
105 of 341
un appareil-photo numerique
a digital camera
106 of 341
partager des fichiers
to share files
107 of 341
blouger/un blougeur
to blog/a blogger
108 of 341
s'exprimer (sans tabous)
to express oneself (freely)
109 of 341
en ligne
110 of 341
un internaute.l'internet
an internet user/the internet
111 of 341
fiable/la fiabilite
112 of 341
l'access sans fil
wireless access
113 of 341
to switch off
114 of 341
joindre quelqu'un
to get in touch wiht someone
115 of 341
un abonne/un abonnement
a subscriber/a subscription
116 of 341
un SMS/envoyer un SMS
a text/to send a text
117 of 341
naviguer sur le Web/la Toile/le Net
to surf the web
118 of 341
la messagerie electronique
an email
119 of 341
un moteur de recherche
a search engine
120 of 341
le consommateur
the consumer
121 of 341
s'informer sur
to find out about
122 of 341
commander (au cybermarche)
to order (on the web)
123 of 341
le risque de vol/de fraude
the risk of theft/fraud
124 of 341
inciter a la violence/au racisme
to incite violence/racism
125 of 341
etre connecte
to be connected (to the internet)
126 of 341
un acteur/une actrice
an actor/an actress
127 of 341
un redacteur/une redactrice
an editor
128 of 341
un(e) cineaste
129 of 341
un auteur
an author
130 of 341
un chanteur/une chanteuse
a singer
131 of 341
un musicien/une musicienne
a musician
132 of 341
un compositeur
a composer
133 of 341
un artiste-peintre/sculpteur
a painter/a sculptor
134 of 341
un ecrivain
an author
135 of 341
un dramaturge
a playwright
136 of 341
une oeuvre
a work (of art)
137 of 341
un genre
a type (of art)
138 of 341
tourner/relaiser un film
to make a film
139 of 341
une animation
a cartoon
140 of 341
en noir et blanc/en couleur
in black and white/in colour
141 of 341
les effets speciaux
the special effects
142 of 341
un film a gros budget
a big budget film
143 of 341
les sous-titres/double
144 of 341
le critique/la critique
critic/film review
145 of 341
une seance
a showing/screening
146 of 341
un cinephile
a film fan
147 of 341
la Nouvelle Vague
the new wave
148 of 341
aborder des problemes (sociaux)
to tackle (social) problems
149 of 341
connaitre in succes fou
to be very succesful
150 of 341
la television a ecran large/plat
wide/flat screen tv
151 of 341
le scene/le mettuer en scene
the stage/the director
152 of 341
un mime
a mime artist
153 of 341
un saltimbanque
an acrobat
154 of 341
un bateleur/jongleur
a juggler
155 of 341
un prestidigitateur
a conjuror
156 of 341
to get dressed/to wear
157 of 341
les vetements/les habits
158 of 341
se maquiller
to put on make up
159 of 341
se faire percer/taouer
to get a piercing/tattoo
160 of 341
s'indetifier a
to identify with
161 of 341
la tenue
an outfit
162 of 341
la (grande) marque
a (top) brand
163 of 341
les moyend d'acheter
the means to buy
164 of 341
son apparence
one's appearance
165 of 341
166 of 341
susciter la curiosite des autres
to arouse the curiosity of others
167 of 341
epouser un homme riche
to marry a rich man
168 of 341
la vedette/la star
a star (celebrity)
169 of 341
la compte bancaire
a bank account
170 of 341
etre corrompu par l'argent
to be corrupted by money
171 of 341
la richesse/la pauvrete
172 of 341
un modele a suivre
a model to follow
173 of 341
un vie de luxe
a life of luxury
174 of 341
la culture de jeunesse
youth culture
175 of 341
le snobisme
176 of 341
se differencier de (ses parents)
to be different from (one's parents)
177 of 341
exercer une influence sur
to have an influence on
178 of 341
les influences positives/negatives
positive/negative influences
179 of 341
lancer un defi a quelqu'un
to challenge someone
180 of 341
etre sur de soi
to be sure of oneself
181 of 341
les valeurs (etabiles)
(established) values
182 of 341
un style de vie marginal
a non-mainstream way of life
183 of 341
la liberte d'expression
freedom of expression
184 of 341
la saut a l'elastique
bungee jumping
185 of 341
186 of 341
le tir
187 of 341
le sport individuel/d'equipe
individual/team sport
188 of 341
pratiquer un sport
to do a sport
189 of 341
se maintenir en forme
to keep fit
190 of 341
garder la ligne
to keep your figure
191 of 341
eviter les stress
to avoid stress
192 of 341
retrouver la forme apres une maladie
to get fit after an illness
193 of 341
s'entrainer (pour un marathon)
to train (for a marathon)
194 of 341
la decontraction
195 of 341
un debutant/un jouer experimente
a beginner/inexperienced player
196 of 341
mener une vie sedentiare/active
to lead a sedentary/active life
197 of 341
un manque d'activite
a lack of activity
198 of 341
un bon etat de sante
a good state of health
199 of 341
les risques de l'inactivite
the risks of inactivity
200 of 341
les os/les poumons/les arteres
201 of 341
les bienfaits du sport (sur le plan physique/mental)
the benefits of health (on a physical/mental level
202 of 341
to breathe
203 of 341
lutter contre le surpoids
to battle against overweight/obesity
204 of 341
developper l'esprit d'equipe
to develop team spirit
205 of 341
la confiance en soi
self confidence
206 of 341
un medailler d'or
a gold medal
207 of 341
la blessure
an injusry
208 of 341
gagner/remporter decrocher une medaille
to win a medal
209 of 341
les championnats du monde
the world champions
210 of 341
to win/lose
211 of 341
tricher/se disputer
to cheat/argue
212 of 341
la victoire/ la defaite
213 of 341
ganger le respect des autres
to win the respect of others/to be respected by others
214 of 341
l'adversiare/le co-equiper
215 of 341
l'abitre/ les officiels/ les spectateurs
the referee/the officials/the spectators
216 of 341
montrer du respect envers quelqu'un
to have respect for someone
217 of 341
le dopage
drug-taking (in sport)
218 of 341
le comportement
219 of 341
rejeter la violence/le racisme
to reject violence/racism
220 of 341
boire en coup
to have a drink
221 of 341
le consommation d'alcool
alcohol consumption
222 of 341
le tabagisme
223 of 341
provoquer (un cancer)
to cause (cancer)
224 of 341
prendre le volant
to drive/get behind the wheel
225 of 341
les drogues licites/ilicites/dures
legal/illegal/hard drugs
226 of 341
nuisible/nuire a
damaging/to damage
227 of 341
se drouger/utiliser
to take drugs/to use
228 of 341
se mettre a (la cocaine)
to start taking (cocaine)
229 of 341
un dose/surdose (ou overdose)
a dose/overdose
230 of 341
dependant de/entrainer une dependance
addicted to/to cause an addiction
231 of 341
etre accro a
addicted to
232 of 341
un centre de desintoxication
a detox centre
233 of 341
manquer equilibre
to eat a balanced diet
234 of 341
to snack/nibble
235 of 341
236 of 341
opter pour
to opt for
237 of 341
limiter/eviter/se priver de
to limit/to avoid/to go without
238 of 341
un plat cuisine
a ready meal
239 of 341
un recette simple/rapide/saine
a simple/quick/healthy recipe
240 of 341
plein de (sel/matieres grasses)
full of (salt/fat)
241 of 341
des troubles alimentaires
eating disorders
242 of 341
l'anorexie/la boulimie
243 of 341
prendre/perdre du poids
to gain/lose weight
244 of 341
245 of 341
mener une vie equilibree
to lead a balanced life
246 of 341
prendre du temps pour soi
to take time for oneself
247 of 341
consulter in medecin
to consult a doctor
248 of 341
l'esperance de vie
life expectancy
249 of 341
prendre ses propres decisions
to make your own decisions
250 of 341
les grandes vacances/les vacances d'hiver
summer/winter holidays
251 of 341
le vacancier/la vacanciere
a holidaymaker
252 of 341
le retour a la nature
return to nature
253 of 341
faire une croisiere
to do a cruise
254 of 341
l'accent sur le luxe
an accent on luxury
255 of 341
le camping sauvage
camping (in a field)
256 of 341
a la recherche de
in search of
257 of 341
258 of 341
to sunbathe
259 of 341
s'allonger sur la plage
to lie on the beach
260 of 341
attraper un coup de soleil
to get sunstroke
261 of 341
une ambiance decontractee
a relaxed atmosphere
262 of 341
eviter le (moindre) stress
to avoid (any) stress
263 of 341
decouvrir (une region)
to discover (a region)
264 of 341
faire une randonnee (un montange)
to walk (in the mountains)
265 of 341
faire la grasse matinee
to have a lie in
266 of 341
267 of 341
respecter l'environnement
to respect the environment
268 of 341
se rapprocher de la nature
to get coser to nature
269 of 341
contributer a l'economie locale
to contribute to the local economy
270 of 341
limiter/trier ses dechets
to limit/seperate rubbish
271 of 341
economiser l'eau/l'energie
to economise on water/energy
272 of 341
limiter son impact sur l'environnement
to limit ones impact on the environment
273 of 341
un nombre preoccupant de visiteurs
a worrying number of visitors
274 of 341
un climat agreable
a pleasant climate
275 of 341
le circulation routiere
276 of 341
un embouteillage/un bouchon
a traffic jame
277 of 341
la paralysie des centres-villes
the paralysis of town centres
278 of 341
les accidents de la route (mortels)
(fatal) road accidents
279 of 341
en famille/entre amis
in the family/among friends
280 of 341
une famille nombreuse/monoparentale
large/single parent family
281 of 341
des parents celibatataires
single parents
282 of 341
une fete de famille
a family celebration
283 of 341
(provoquer) une dispute
(to cause) an argument
284 of 341
de disputer avec
to argue with
285 of 341
se calmer
to calm down
286 of 341
faire des choses ensemble
to do things together
287 of 341
288 of 341
repsecter les gouts de quelqu'un
to respect someones tastes
289 of 341
s'entendre (bien) avec
to get on well with
290 of 341
avoir de bonnes relations avec
to have a good relationship with
291 of 341
rester en contact avec
to stay in contact with
292 of 341
rompre avec
to break up with
293 of 341
resoudre des conflits/un probleme
to resolve conflicts/a problem
294 of 341
eviter le conflit
to avoid conflict
295 of 341
savoir ecouter
to be a good listener
296 of 341
etre la pour quelqu'un
to be there for someone
297 of 341
le mariage/se marier avec
marriage/to marry
298 of 341
le divorce/divorcer/se separer
divorce/to divorce/to seperate
299 of 341
le declin du marriage
the decline of marriage
300 of 341
le taux de divorce/de naissance
the divorce/birth rate
301 of 341
vivre en concubinage/vivre avec
to live with (someone)
302 of 341
etre un bon pere/une bonne mere
to be a good father/mother
303 of 341
la maltraitance
304 of 341
(rester) celibataire
(to stay) single
305 of 341
un(e) partenaire (pour la vie)
a partner (for life)
306 of 341
(tenir) une promesse
(to keep) a promise
307 of 341
fidele/la fidelite
308 of 341
passer un examen
to take an exam
309 of 341
reussir/etre recu(e) a un examen
to pass an exam
310 of 341
le taux de reusiite (du bac)
the pass rate (of the 'bac')
311 of 341
les conseils d'orientation
careers advice
312 of 341
l'ecole maternelle
nursery school
313 of 341
une epreuve (obligatoire)
a (compulsory) test
314 of 341
le systeme educatif
the education system
315 of 341
en seconde
year 11
316 of 341
en premiere
in the AS/Lower 6th year
317 of 341
en terminale
in the A2/Upper 6th year
318 of 341
319 of 341
320 of 341
redoubler (une annee scolaire)
to retake (a school year)
321 of 341
un programme charge
a heavy timetable
322 of 341
a la fac
at university
323 of 341
le soutien/manque de soutien
support/lack of support
324 of 341
l'incertitude de l'avenir
uncertainty about the future
325 of 341
un controle
a test
326 of 341
faire un apprentissage
to do an apprenticeship
327 of 341
decrocher/trouver un emploi
to get a job
328 of 341
etre au chomage
to be unemployed
329 of 341
la formation professionnelle
professional training
330 of 341
le taux de chomage
the unemployment rate
331 of 341
la vie active
working life
332 of 341
le manque d'experience
lack of experience
333 of 341
la formation en alternance
sandwich training
334 of 341
bien remunere
well paid
335 of 341
une position permanente/a plein temps
a permenant/full time job
336 of 341
un emploi temporaire
a temporary job
337 of 341
l'autonomie financiere
financial independence
338 of 341
le RMI (revenu minimal d'insertion)
the minimum wage
339 of 341
un contrat a duree determinee
a fixed-term contract
340 of 341
une lettre de motivation
an application letter
341 of 341

Other cards in this set

Card 2


following that


suite a cela

Card 3




Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


first of all


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


at the moment, currently


Preview of the back of card 5
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This is very helpful and luckily the exact stuff needed for the upcoming reading exam :) x

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