Of Mice And Men Quiz

A short quiz about various aspects of Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men. Some questions have more than one correct answer, and a lot is just based on personal opinion. These questions could add more ideas to your head though.



1. How many women are mentioned in the novel?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. The title of the novel came from a poem by Scottish poet Robert Burns. What was the poem's name?

  • To a Mouse
  • Of Mice and Men
  • An Ode to Nature

3. What can the word 'tart' imply about Curley's wife after closer analysis of the word? (This question is a matter of opinion and could be used for ideas rather than to test you.)

  • That no men approve of her presence in the ranch.
  • That she is a sweet treat to be consumed, emphasising the value of women at the time.
  • She is a promiscuous woman, showing how men thought of women at the time

4. Through the poem by Robert Burns, what theme(s) are associated with the novel?

  • Friendship
  • Loneliness and dreams
  • Failure and racism.

5. What is a suggested reason that Crooks taunts Lennie about the face that George has gone to town and he might never return or get hurt?

  • Because he's lonely and Lennie has someone.
  • To show that coloured people aren't to be trusted in the author's eyes.
  • Because he's a mean person.


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