BIO1 - Cells, Exchange and Transport - Transport in Plants

OCR AS Biology specification, cells, exchange and transport exam.

  • Created by: RhysWall
  • Created on: 05-01-12 19:53

1. Xylem and phloem are part of which plant tissue?

  • Endodermis
  • Vascular tissue
  • Endothelial tissue
  • Epithelial tissue
1 of 10

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2. Xylem are adapted to their function because... (select the incorrect answer)

  • Pits allow lateral movement so water can move into other xylem tubes to bypass a blockage or move into surrounding tissue
  • The tubes are narrow, allowing lots of adhesion to the xylem wall (capillary action is successful)
  • The have a waxy cuticle on the walls of the xylem to stop it from being too leaky
  • They are made of dead cells aligned in a continous column

3. What does lignin do to a xylem cell?

  • Provides a waterproof layer effectively killing the cell allowing it to form a xylem vessel
  • Lignin has no effect
  • Adds nutrients to the xylem cell allowing it to grow faster
  • Widens the plasmodesmata allowing more assimilates to be transported by the xylem

4. When using a potometer, precautions must be taken. Two of these are...

  • Make sure thed door is shut to prevent wind and turn the radiator off
  • Make sure it
  • Ensure leaves are dry and set up equipment under water
  • Use vaseline, ensure leaves are wet

5. Which invertebrate is associated with supporting the theory of translocation?

  • Aphid
  • Ladybird
  • Whale
  • Snail




this is really good thanks!!! =D



Doesn't the symplast pathway go through the cytoplasm, not through the cell walls like the apoplastic pathway

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