French Listening and Reading

Cards about family, friends, arguments and descriptions mainly revising the different vocabulary and phrases. 

Family members - mother, father, sister, brother, cousins, twin, aunt, uncle.
mere, pere, soeur, frere, cousins, jumeau/jumelle, tante, oncle.
1 of 18
How do you say things like stepmother, half brother etc. ?
Beau - pere, belle - mere, demi - frere, demi - soeur.
2 of 18
Words that you can use to describe the things that you do with people in your family/friends.
plus age/plus jeune que moi - older/younger than me, nous....ensmble (eg nous visiter la plage ensemble) - we....together, nous nous disputons - we argue, je luie/leur envoie des emails - I send him/;her/them emails.
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Words that you can use to describe the relationships that you have with people in your family/friends - negative.
Ca menerve - that gets on my nerves, Je l'evite - I avoid him/her, Elle s'interesse trop a - she's too interested in, Je passe trop de temps.. - I spend too much time, on se disoute au sujet de - we argue about, c'est le pagaille - it's a mess.
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Words that you can use to describe the relationships that you have with people in your family/ friends - positive.
Cependant - however, mon propre - my own, je l';aide - I help him/her, Si j'ai un problem - If I have a problem, Je l'aime - I like it, Il/elle m'aide - He/She helps me, Dis lui - Tell him/her, Elle trouve que - she finds that, elle dit que-she says.
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Card 5 contd!
Je l'aime, Faire las grasse matinee - To have a lie in, Personne n'est parfait - nobody's perfect, avon - before, apres - after.
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Adjectives to describe a person's appearance.
les cheveaux - hair, les yeux - eyes, colours - eg - bruns, roux, etc. frises - curly, raides - straight, grande - tall, petit(e) - small, mice - slim, grosse - fat.
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Adjectives to describe a person's personality.
Bavard(e) - chatty, parasseux/parraseuse - lazy, impulsif, impulsive - impulsive, fou, folle - mad, sociable - sociable, mechante - mean, sportif - sporty,sympa - kind.
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How do you say he/she/they are..../ are not
Il/elle/ils est.../il/elle/ils n'est pas...
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My friend is called......
Ma meillure copain s'appelle - my friend is called....
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Words to describe things about you and your friend.
Elle a ...ans - She is ..years old, ainee - older, on se resemble (pas) - we (don't) resemble each other, il/elle s'enerve - he/she gets annoyed, il/elle sinquiete - she gets worried, s'occuper - to take care of/to occupy yourself with.
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Card 11 contd!
J'ai un/une bon copine - I have a good friend, ma meillure amie/copine/ami/copain - My best friend, nous (ne)sommes (pa) dans la meme classe au college - we are (not) in the same class at school, je la connais depuis.. - I have known he for/since.
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Words to describe the things that you do with your friend.
On/nous....ensemble - we do....together, On se dit tout - we tell each other everything, on se telephone - we telephone each other, Il/elle sinteresse a... - he/she is interested in..., je me relaxe - I relaxe, Je me repose - I rest, Je reste-I stay.
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Card 13 contd!
On se retrouve - we meet up, **** - late, se detendre - To relax.
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Some verbs can become reflexive. For example......
On se parte - We talk to each other, On se telephone - we telephone each other.
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How do you talk about an argument with a friend, family member?
On se dispute au sujet de.... - we fight about....
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Some words to describe some different subjects of an argument.
des choses idiotes - stupid things, ma chambre - my bedroom, television - the T.V etc. You can pick anything that you and your friends/family argue about.
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An example of how to write about an argument.
Quelquefois, me parents et moi on se dispute au sujet de ma chambre. Mes parents trouvent que ma chambre est en desordre mes je laime comme ca.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Beau - pere, belle - mere, demi - frere, demi - soeur.


How do you say things like stepmother, half brother etc. ?

Card 3


plus age/plus jeune que moi - older/younger than me, nous....ensmble (eg nous visiter la plage ensemble) - we....together, nous nous disputons - we argue, je luie/leur envoie des emails - I send him/;her/them emails.


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Card 4


Ca menerve - that gets on my nerves, Je l'evite - I avoid him/her, Elle s'interesse trop a - she's too interested in, Je passe trop de temps.. - I spend too much time, on se disoute au sujet de - we argue about, c'est le pagaille - it's a mess.


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Card 5


Cependant - however, mon propre - my own, je l';aide - I help him/her, Si j'ai un problem - If I have a problem, Je l'aime - I like it, Il/elle m'aide - He/She helps me, Dis lui - Tell him/her, Elle trouve que - she finds that, elle dit que-she says.


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