Light and Sound

  • Created by: Eesha Dev
  • Created on: 27-06-15 20:52


  • sound travels by vibrations in the air
  • something must vibrate for sound to travel
  • sound can be reflected or refracted like light
  • an echo is a sound being reflected from a surface

Frequency and Amplitude

Frequency = Pitch of Sound

  • number of complete waves / space between sound waves
  • high frequency is more vibrations - close
  • low frequency is less vibrations - far
  • measured in Hertz (Hz)

Amplitude = Volume of Sound

  • height of sound wave
  • high amplitude is more energy - tall
  • low amplitude is less energy - short
  • measured in Decibels (dB)

Structure of the Ear

  • Outer Ear - open to outside, filled with air
  • Middle Ear - filled with air, sealed off from outside by eardrum
  • Inner Ear - responsible for balance and hearing
  • Pinna - collects and funnels sound into ear
  • Semi-circular canals - contains wax to trap dirt and dust
  • Eardrum - vibrates when sound strikes
  • Ossicles - small bones which amplify sounds
  • Auditory Canal - sends signals when liquid moves tiny hairs
  • Auditory Nerves - carries signals to brain
  • Cochlea - sends signals when liquid moves tiny hairs


  • sound waves make your eardrum vibrate

Object vibrates, air vibrates, eardrum vibrates, ossicles vibrate, hairs in cochlea vibrate, message sent to brain


  • we see objects when light reflects off it into eyes
  • light always travels in straight lines
  • light travels faster than sound

Key Words:

  • Light Ray - straight path taken by light
  • Light Beam - made up of several light rays
  • Parallel Beam - transfer of energy in…




Light and sound are two fundamental forms of energy that play vital roles in our lives. Light allows us to see the world around us, while sound allows us to communicate and interact with our environment. Both light and sound travel in waves, but they are very different in nature. Light is an electromagnetic wave, meaning that it consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Sound, on the other hand, is a mechanical wave, meaning that it consists of vibrations of matter. Light and sound have many applications in science, technology, and everyday life. For example, light is used in telescopes and microscopes to explore the universe and the tiny world of cells. Sound is used in medical imaging devices, such as ultrasounds and MRI machines, to diagnose and treat diseases.