English Language A*- reading section. (Notes from my teacher)


AQA English Language – Section A

Question 1 – Read the question first!! (8 marks)

This is the retrieval question. The exam is testing whether you understand the text that you have read, and can you identify what you have learnt from it. The answer should be in 2 parts. Firstly answer the question in your own words. DO NOT USE WORDS FROM THE QUOTE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO USE AS EVIDENCE!! The second part is your evidence from the text. Read the text and highlight where she has been and what she has been doing.

Example (Question 1 from Jan 2011)

1.     Read Source 1, the online travel article called Rafting on the Grand Canyon. What do you learn about where she has been and what she has been doing?

Obviously the important words in the question are WHERE and WHAT!

The writer and her family have been on a 2 week and very long journey down one of the largest rivers in USA: “we… were in the middle of a 13-day. 225 mile trip down the Colorado river”

You will need to do this 5 or 6 times – remember that you have 10 minutes for the question and 5 minutes to read the text.

Question 2 – Read the question first!! (8 marks)

This is the question asking for you to explain how effective the headline, sub-headline and picture are and how they link to the text. It is a 4 part answer and follows the following format.

·        Answer the question in your own words (NOT USING WORDS FROM THE HEADLINE/SUB-HEADLINE)

·        Use evidence from the headline or sub-headline OR describe the picture and WHAT YOU SEE

·        Identify a language technique or connotation of colours used in the picture or what the connotation of the actual picture is

·        Explain the effect and how it is effective and links to the text.


Example (Question 2 from Jan 2011)

2.     Now read source 2, the article and the picture that goes with it called Fearsome Tyrannosuarus rex. Explain how the headline, sub-headline and picture are effective and how they link with the text.

Obviously the important words in the question are EFFECTIVE and LINK.

The headline is amusing, unexpected and witty and so is effective in highlighting that the text will also be amusing whilst informative: “Fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex Sue...” by using the proper noun “Sue”, a female name, next to the violent adjective “Fearsome” the reader is presented with an unexpected image of a dinosaur that is usually seen as threatening being a female and friendly. This links to the text as it describes how something as large as a dinosaur may have dies from a simple throat infection.

You will need to do this 4 or 5 times – remember that you have 10 minutes for the question and 5 minutes to read the text.

Question 3 – Read the question first!! (8 marks)



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