Believing in God- Argument from design and causation

  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 12-05-13 09:52

Believing in God

The argument from design

Evidence of design in the world

Laws of science

A main reason why some people think the universe has been designed is becase the universe works according to laws, e.g. the laws of gravity, electircity, magnetism, motion, bonding, gases etc.


  • DNA is made of two strands that form a ladder-like structure, which forms a right-hand spiral called a double helix.
  • The DNA molecule repilcates by unzipping and using each strand as a template to form a new strand.
  • These new DNA strands are then passed on to daughter cells during cell division.

The structure of DNA and its formation of templates seem to indicate a design of blueprint for living organisms.


Some scientists see evidence of design in the process of evolution where complex life forms develop from simple ones.

Beauty of nature

Artists see evidence of design in the beauties of nature where sunsets, mountains and oceans appear to have beauty which an artist would have to spend a long time designing.


How the appearance of design may lead to or support belief in God


1.Anything that's been designed needs a designer.

2.There is plenty of evidence that the world has been designed (DNA, beauty of nature etc)

3.If the world has been designed it needs a designer.

4. The only possible designer of something as beautiful and complex as the world would be a God.

5. Therefore the appearance of design in the world proves the existence of God

How the appearance of design may not lead to or support belief in


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