The four approaches

The psychodynamic approach;

  • Behaviour is influenced by interactions between the conscious and unconsious mind.
  • Many of which have origins in early shildhood development. 
  • Freud proposed that the personality is made up of three elements; the id, ego and superego and these need to be balanced to aviod psychologicl disorders.


  • No evidence for the elements of personality.
  • The first to suggest how adult behaviour can be influence by early childhood experienes.
  • Freud's theory of abnormality was developed in 19th century Vienna - so has a cultural aspect. 
  • Created by: Maddie
  • Created on: 19-02-13 09:34

The psychodynamic approach


  • Behaviour is influenced by interactions between the conscious and unconsious mind.
  • Many of which have origins in early shildhood development. 
  • Freud proposed that the personality is made up of three elements; the id, ego and superego and these need to be balanced to aviod psychologicl disorders.


  • No evidence for the elements of personality.
  • The first to suggest how adult behaviour can be influence by early childhood experienes.
  • Freud's theory of abnormality was developed in 19th century Vienna - so has a cultural aspect. 
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The behavioral approach


  • Classical conditioning - uncnditional responses or reflexes. Litle Albert was conditioned to assosiate animals with fear. He became afraid of flufy objects and similar objects - stimulus generalisation. 
  • Operant conditioning - Learning through reinforcement. Skinner proposed that operant conditioning, was fundamental in human development.
  • Social learning theory - learning by watching and copying others.


  • Clasical conditioning has been proved through little Albert, to cause phobias. 
  • Reductionist - ignores cognitive and emotional contributions to development of psychopathology.
  • Has no role for genetics.
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The cognitive approach


  • Schemata - how we see ourselves - "i am confident and self - assertive". 
  • Schemata develop on early lifehood experiences.
  • Negative schemata - can lead to negative automatic thoughts - "i am bad at everything".
  • Becks model - negative view of self, of the world and of the future. 


  • The idea of schemata is very vague - no evidence.
  • Ignores biological factors and genetics.
  • Negative thoughts can reflect an accurate view of the world.
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ummm, is it just me or are there only three different approaches?? where's the fourth??

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