Physical Education GCSE Respiratory System

revision for my end of year GCSE test

  • Created by: Jessica
  • Created on: 03-12-10 16:11

Respiratory System

What are the two functions of the Respiratory System and what is this called?

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  • Bring oxygen into the body.
  • Remove carbon dioxide from the body.
  • This is called gaseous exchange.
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Respiratory System

Define tidal volume and vital capacity.

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  • Tidal Volume - the amount of air inspired and exspired with each normal breath during exercise.
  • Vital Capacity - the greatest amount of air that can pass in and out of the lings by the most forceful inspiration and expiration.
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Respiratory System

What are the 3 long term effects on the Respiratory System?

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Respiratory System

  • Increased lung capacity - after a sustained period of exercise, the lungs will allow better delivery of oxygen to the working muscles and carbon dioxide is removed more efficently because the body can cope better with the production of carbon dioxide during exercise.
  • Increased Vital Capacity - the amount of air that can be inspired and expired during exercise increseaes because of a more efficent Resparitory System.
  • Increased number of alveoli - this is a result of regular exercise, more oxygen can be absorbed into the capillairies and more carbon dioxide can be removed. VO2 max has increased.
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