P.E Definitions

Definitions needed for the final exam in year 11 for P.E.

  • Created by: Harry
  • Created on: 13-05-12 17:49

Body Compostion (HRE)

- The percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone. 

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Muscular strength (HRE)

- The amount of muscle that can exert against a resistance. 

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Cardiovascular fitness (HRE)

- The ability to exercise the entire body for long periods. 

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Flexibility (HRE)

- The range of movement possible at a joint. 

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Muscular endurance (HRE)

- The ability to use voluntry muscles many times without getting tired. 

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Co-ordination (SRF)

- The ability to use two or more body parts together. 

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Power (SRF)

- The ability to do strength performances quickly (power=strengthxspeed)

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Speed (SRF)

- The differental rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time. 

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Reaction time (SRF)

- The time between the presentation of a stimules and the start of a movemnt. 

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Agility (SRF)

- The ability to change the position of the body quickly and to control the movment of the whole body. 

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Balance (SRF)

- The ability to retain the bodys centre of mass (gravity) above the base of support with reference to static (ststionary) or dynamic (changing), co-ordinates of movemnet, shape or orientation. 

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- A state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing, and not meerly the absense of disease or infirmity. 

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- A form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or physical fitness. 

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- The abilty to meet the demands of the enviroment. 

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- How well a task is completed. 

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