Paradise Lost quotes

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 13-04-13 09:30

Miltonic simile

1. "in a Labrinyth of many round self rowld"

2. "surging maze"

3. "hovering and blazing with elusive light"

4. "stooping to support"

5. "like a black mist low creeping"

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Structure/The Epic form

1. "I warn'd thee I admonish'd thee" - Adam parallels Eve as he warns her just as God warned them both.

2. "Gorgious knights" - Milton is clear that this is not what he is going to write about.

3. "Turnus for Lavina...Neptun'sire or Juno's" - Milton puts his poem in context by mentioning other epic literature.

4. "Afternoons repose." - short sentences are used to indicate growing tension (not commonly used by Milton)

5. "dictates to me" - Milton suggests that he is the medium for the story, he is just inspired to tell it.

6. "Hail, horrors! Hail, infernal world!" - Satan uses the rhetoric just as any epic hero would.

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1. "if light well aim'd since higher I fall short" - Satan has flawed logic.

2. "Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven" - flawed logic like an epic hero.

3. "O Earth, how like Heaven if not preferred" - flawed logic.

4. "into the heart of Eve" - posessive. 

5. "into his mouth the devil entered" - Satan is like a disease.

6. "I reck not..." - Satan is reckless.

7. "maugre might what hap" - he displays determination.

8. "griefe" - he is incompatible with beauty.

9. "caves, dens..." - Milton creates sympathy for Satan.

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The fall

1. "sensual apetite...usurping over sovran reason."

2. "the faded roses fell, speechless he stood and pale"

3. "greedily she ingorg'd"

4. "she pluck'd, she eat"

5. "the earth felt the wound"

6. "new wine intoxicated both"

7. "her hand he seis'd"

8. "nor onely Tears rain'd in thir eyes but wind worse within began to rise, high passions, anger, hate, mistrust..."

9. "wearied with amourous play"

10. "cover me ye pines, ye cedars...hide me."

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1. "thus they in mutual accusation spent fruitless hours" - the argument between woman and man is never ending as there is no solution. 

2. "to worth in women overtrusting lets her will rule" - Adam generalises his experience with Eve to all women.

3. "was I never to have parted from thy side?" - Eve uses sarcasm to challenge Adam.

4. "Adam wedded to some other Eve." - she has fears that even the modern day reader can relate to. 

5. "Clasping ivy" - this may be a metaphore for Adam and his constraint on Eve.

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1. "higher than my lot" - breaking hierachies is a common theme.

2. "with all his spies" - they begin to have a negative view of a God who should be feared.

3. "superior, for inferior who is free?" - power is what bot Adam and Eve begin to seek.

4. "within himself the danger lies, yet within his power"- the idea that desire for power is an evil within us all. 

5. "that fair fruit let hang as to no end" - Eve is mistaken in thinking that knowledge is cumulative.

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1. "fearless unfeard he slept" - the snake that Satan posesses is innocent initially. 

2. "to avoid the attempt itself" - Adam thinks that they should avoid Satan's temptation in the first place.

3. "Serpent, thy overpraising leaves in doubt the vertue of thy fruit" - Eve is initially wary of Satan's flattery.

4. "Cherubim that keep thir watch" - there is a need for protection suggesting that Satan is still strong to an extent.

5. "earth his seat" - Man is lower than heaven. 

6. "his hand creating nothing imperfect"- a perfect and innocent view of God which is later corrupted. 

7. "Patriach of mankind" - Adam is perhaps the true hero of the poem.

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Innocence continued

1. "two grardening in solitude" - Adam and Eve engage in innocent work.

2. "younger hands ere long" - the initial purpose of sex is innocent i.e. for procreation.

3. "by the tree of knowledge he must pass" - Adam both literally and metaphorically follows Eve in her path to becoming evil. 

4. "had woven from choiciest flours a garland there to adorne her tresses" - Adam in contrast to Eve is still innocent.

5. "Eve, for such thou art from blame and sin entire" - he has a perfect view of Eve. 

6. "In woman there to studie household good and good workes in her husband to promote" "O woman" - feminists would reject Adam's patronising approach to Eve.

7. "From her husbands hand soft she withdrew and like a wood nymph" - Eve is initially innocent as she slips away, a spirit like 'wood nymph' suggests this. 

8. "with bow and quiver armd" - Eve then becomes corrupted and violent.

9. "How are we still happy in fear of harme?" - she, from the start, has no problem with approaching and challenging Satan and his temptation. 

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