Maths revision 2011

maths for yr9 gcse students in set 2


Volume of a square prism

Volume of a square prism - H x L x W

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Rules on Expanding brackets

Rules on Expanding brackets 

1.   Start with the first term and multiply everything in the 2nd bracket

2.   Move on to the 2nd term and multiply everything in the 2nd bracket.

3.   Tidy up

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Rules on factorise brackets

Rules on factorise brackets:

1.   Open new set of brackets

2.   Look for the most common letter or number (that goes in to both number )

3.   Put the most common term outside the bracket

4.    Work out what goes inside the bracket

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Factorising quadratic equations

Factorising quadratic equations


1.   3 terms = 2 pairs of brackets

2.   How do I get the first term separate?

3.   Write down all the pairs of numbers tha multiply to give the third term

4.   Which pair added together make the 2nd term

5.   Use this pair of numbers in the brackets.

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Solve quadratic equations

Solve quadratic equations

1.   3terms = 2 pairs of brackets

2. How do I get the first term separate?

3. Write down all the pairs of numbers that multiply to give the third term

4. Try all the pairs of numbers by extending the brackets.


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Mode- the mode of a set of a data is the value of which occurs most often.

The median- the median is the middle value when the data is arranged in order of size or the mean of two middle values

Mean- the mean of a set of data is the sum of the divided by the number of the value.

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Locus - locus is a construction that follows a set of rules.

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l.c.m - lowest common multiple  

h.c.f- highest common factor

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Equilateral triangle - 3 sides are the same, 3 angles the same.

Right-angled triangle - 1 angle of 90oc degrees

Scalene- no side or angle the same

Isosceles - 2 sided the same, 2 angles the same


Diagonals bisect each other means when two diagonals lines cross each other. The angle in the middle is 90oc.

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Harsharanjit Mustota


excue any spelling mistakes

hope these are helpful

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