GCSE Latin Vocab.

All words for the AQA GCSE Latin Higher and Foundation tier

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 07-05-11 12:56

a - advenio

a - by; from, away from

ab - by; from, away from

abeo - leave

ac - and

accipio - accept

ad - to; at

adduco - lead

adeo - approach

adfero - bring

advenio - arrive

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aedifico - ancilla

aedifico -building

ago - do, act, drive

alius - other

alter - the other

alter...alter - one...the other

ambulo - walk

amicus - friend

amo - love (verb)

amor - love (noun)

ancilla - slave girl

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animus - bene

animus - sprit animated spirit

annus - year

appropinquo - approach

aqua - water

ars - art

ascendo - climb

atque - and

audio - hear

auxilium - help the auxilary help the military

bene - well

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bibo - celerrimus

bibo - drink 

bonus - good

caelum - sky celary in the sky

canis - dog

capio - capture 

caput - head

celer - quick

celeriter - quickly

celerrime - very quickly

celerrimus - very quick 

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cena - consilium

cena - dinner

ceteri - the rest

cibus - food

circum - around

circumeo - go around

civis - citizen

clamo - shout

clamor - shout 

cognosco - get to know 

consilium - plan

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consilium - capio

consilium capio - form a plan

conspicio - catch sight of

constiuo - decide

consumo - eat

convenio - come together

credo - believe; trust you need trust to get credit

crudelis - cruel  Cruella DeVille

cum (+abl) - with 

cum - when

cupio - want cupid wants love

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cur - deinde

cur - why?

curro - run

custodio - guard custody

datus - having been given

de - from; about 

dea - goddess

debeo - owe; must debt

decem - ten

dedi - I gave

deinde - next

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deleo - doceo

deleo - destroy

descendo - go down

deus - god 

difficilis - difficult

difficillimus - very difficult

discedo - depart

diu - for a long time

dixi - I said I said to the pixi

do - give

doceo - teach

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domina - effugio

domina - mistress

dominus - master

donum - gift

dormio - sleep 

duco - lead

duo - two 

duxi - I led

e - out of

ecce - look!

effugio - escape

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egi - etiam

egi - I did

ego - I

emo - buy

eo - go 

epistula - letter

equus - horse

ero - i will be

esse - to be

et - and

etiam - also

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etiam (+ comparative) - fero

etiam (+ comparative) - even

ex - out of 

exeo - leave

expecto - expect 

facile - easily

facilis - easy

facillimus - very easy

facio - make; do

femina - woman

fero - bring

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ferociter - forum

ferociter- fiercely

ferox - fierce

festino - hurry

fidelis - faithful

filia - daughter

filius - son

fio - become; happen

fortis -brave

fortiter - bravely

forum - forum

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frater - hodie

frater - brother 

fugio - flee

fui - I was

gravis - heavy; serious

graviter - seriously

habeo - have

habito - liive

heri - yesterday

hic - this; he, she, it

hodie - today 

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homo - ille

homo - man

hora - hour 

hortus - garden

iam - now

ianua - door

ibi - there

ibo - i will go 

igitur - therefore

ii - I went

ille - that; he, she, it

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in - intro

in (+ acc) - into 

in (+abl) - in

ineo - enter

ingens - huge

inquit - (s/he) says/said

inquiunt - (they) say/said

insula - island; block of flats

intellego - understand

inter - between

intro - enter 

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invenio - iubeo

invenio - find

invito - invite

ipse -  -self (eg. himself, herself)

iratus - angry

ire - to go 

is - he, she, it; that

ita - so 

itaque - and so

iter - journey; route

iubeo - order

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iuvenis - lentus

iuvenis - young man

ivi - I went

laboro - work

lacrimo - cry

laetus - happy

latus - having been brought

laudo - praise

lego - read; choose read the lego instructions

lente - slowly

lentus - slow

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leo - magnus

leo - lion

liber - book

libero - set free liberate

libertus - freedman

locus - place

longe - far

longissime - very far 

longius - furthur

longus - long

magnus - big

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maior - mei

maoir - bigger

maneo - stay 

mare - sea

mater - mother

maxime - very greaty

maximus - very great

me - acc./abl. of ego

mecum - with me

medius - middle of

mei - of me 

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melior - minor

melior - better

melius - better

mercator - merchant

meus - my

mi - vocative of meus

mihi - to/for me

miles - soldier

minime - least; no

minimus - least 

minor - less

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minus - multo

minus - less

miser - miserable

misere - miserably 

miserrimus - very miserable 

mitto - send

mons - mountains

mors - death

mox - soon

multi - many

multo - much _er

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multum - ne

multum - much

multus - much

nam - for

narro - tell

nauta - sailor

navigo - sail

navis - ship

ne - that (fearing)

ne - in order...not (purpose)

ne - not to... (indirect command)

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_ne...? - noli

_ne...? - indicates a question

nec...nec - neither... nor

neco - kill

nemo - nobody

neque... neque - neither... nor

nihil - nothing

nobis - to/for us

nobiscum - with us

nocte - by night

noli - do not (sing)

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nolite - novem

nolite - do not (plural)

nolo - I do not want; refuse

nomen - name

nomine - by name

non - not

non iam - no longer

nonne...? - surely...?

nos - we/us

noster - our

novem - nine

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novus - olim

novus - new

nox - night

nullus - no

num...? - surely...not...?

numquam - never

nunc - now

nuntio - announce

nuntius - messenger

octo - eight

olim - once

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omnes - parvus

omnes - everyone 

omnia - everything

omnis - all

optime - best

optimus - best

ostendo - show

paene - almost

paratus - prepared

pars - part

parvus - small

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pater - periculum

pater - father 

pauci - few

paulo/paulum - little

pax - peace

pecunia - money

peior - worse

peius - worse

per - through 

pereo - perish

periculum - danger

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persuadeo - plus

persuadeo - persuade

perterritus - terrified

pessime - worst 

pessimus - worst

peto - make for; seek

plures - more

plurimi - most 

plurimum - most 

plurimus - most 

plus - more

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pono - promitto

pono - put

porta - gate

porto - carry

possum - I am able

post - after; behind

postquam - after

primus - first 

pro - in front of; for

produco - bring forward

promitto - promise

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propre - quam

propre - near 

puella - girl 

puer - boy 

pugno - fight

pulcher - beautiful

pulcherrimus - very beautiful

pulchre - beautifully

punio - punish

quaero - search for 

quam - how...!/? (+ adjective/adverb)

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quam - quis

quam - than

quam - whom 

quamquam - although

quantus - how big how big is the quantas aeroplane?

quattor - four

_que - and_

qui - who

quid - what?

quinque - five

quis - who?

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quo - relinquo

quo - where...to?

quomodo - how?

quod - because

quod - which

quoque - also

quot - how many?

re_ - prefix used with verbs = _back 

redeo - return

reduco - bring back 

relinquo - leave

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remitto - Romanus

remitto - send back 

respondeo - reply

revenio - come back 

rex - king

rideo - laugh 

rogo - ask 

Roma - Rome 

Roma - from Rome

Romae - at/in Rome

Romanus - Roman 

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saepe - se

saepe - often

saepissime - very often

saepius - more often

saevus - savage 

saluto - greet

salve - hello (sing.)

salvete - hello (pl.)

scio - know 

scribo - write

se - himself etc.

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se - servus

se - he, she, it (in reported speech)

sed - but 

sedeo - sit

semper - always

senator - senator

senex - old man 

sentio - feel; notice

septem - seven

servo - save; protect; keep

servus - slave

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sex - stultus

sex - six

si - if 

sibi - to/for himself etc.

sic - thus

silva - wood

solus - alone

specto - watch 

statim - immediately

sto - stand

stultus - stupid  

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sub - taberna

sub - under

subito - suddenly

sui - of himelf etc.

sum - i am

summus - highest; top of; greatest 

sumus - we are 

supero - overpower

surgo - get up

suus - his, her, its, their (own)

taberna - inn

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tam - terreo

tam - so

tamen - however

tandem - at last 

tantus - so great 

te - you 

tecum - with you 

templum - temple 

teneo - hold

terra - ground; country

terreo - frighten

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tibi - tristis

tibi - to/for you 

timeo - fear 

tot - so many

totus - all

trado - hand over 

traho - drag

tres - three

tribus - three (dat./abl.)

triste - sadly 

tristis - sad

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trium - unus

trium - three (gen.)

tu - you 

tui - of you 

tuli - I brought 

tum - then

turba - crowd 

tuus - your, yours

ubi  - where, when; where?

umquam - ever

unus - one

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urbs - vestrum

urbs - city

ut - that (result); to (indirect command); so that/ in order to/ to (purpose)

uxor - wife

vale - goodbye (sing.)

valete - goodbye (pl.)

vehementer - violently

velle - to want/wish 

vendo - sell vending machine

venio - come

vestrum - of you

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via - vobiscum

via - street

video - see

villa - villa

vinco - win 

vinum - wine

vir - man

vita - life vitality

vivo - live

vobis - to/for you 

vobiscum - with you 

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voco - vox

voco - call

volo - want 

vos - you 

vox - voice

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