Strengths/Weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles


Strengths/Weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles


  • Brought Peace to Europe
  • Set up the League of Nations (a peace keeping organisation)
  • Restored countries boundaries and gave them a more individual identity
  • Demilitarisation of Germany gave the surrounding countries a feeling of security as there was no imminent threat
  • 45 countries signed so it was agreed on by many
  • Gave independance to Poland Czechoslovakia and Hungary


  • Didn't make the L of N very strong as it had no armed forces and so had little authority to carry out decisions
  • The treaty left the German people very weak and helpless, so they resented it.
  • Reparations were very high and Britain believed they could stop trade with Germany
  • USA did not join the L of N so it didn't have much power
  • No one person out of the big three got their way, so this caused oppositions
  • Germans saw it as a Diktat - they had no say in it and felt it was imposed on them unfairly.


The treaty helped to bring about peace in Europe and was relatively effective, however the Germans saw it as extremely unfair on them and so resented it. Also, the League of Nations that came about as a result of the treaty was not as powerful as it could have been because the USA did not join because they didn't want to get involved in Europes affairs, despite it being Woodrow Wilson's idea.



