Of mice and men-George analysis

Spider diagram showing points,thoughts and evidence on George Milton from Of mice and men,hope it helps!

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  • George-       Of mice and men
    • how does he affect the protagonists?(Lennie)
    • Themes
    • Imagery
      • George is described as physically small with a sharp mind, an opposite to his companion Lennie. Without Lennie, George would be alone, therefore, his friendship and bond with Lennie makes them different from the other men on the ranch.
  • Companionship- George has a very close bond with Lennie. In a way they have the only real friendship on the ranch because they travel together and they are there to look out for eachother and George is there to guide Lennie.
    • Themes
    • George isn't just with Lennie because he feels responsible for him. Lennie gives him companionship and lets him believe that the dream of owing a farm could come true.
  • Dreams- It is also Georges dream to buy a farm and live there with animals but Lennie is the one who believes it,whereas George realizes its an unreachable dream. Could foreshadow that he knows something will get in the way,Lennie may do something wrong.
    • Lennie is very child like and under-developed. whereas George is mature and handles the diffucult situations to get Lennie out of any trouble.
      • He travels with Lennie for work and looks out and cares for him
        • Lennie got into trouble in weed and George tried to sort it. Could FORESHADOW something similar happening again.
    • Loneliness- because of his protective relationship with Lennie, it makes George isolated from other people.  He goes on the run with Lennie after the incident in Weed, cutting himself off from making relationships and friendships with anyone else. This changes when he meets slim as he feels he can trust him and goes to him for advice when Lennie has killed Curleys Wife.
      • Violence- Compared to Lennie, George is not  very violent person. But, he can be aggressive.
        • When Candy first  tries to get involved in his and Lennie's dream, he is immediately defensive. Until he realizes Candy is trying to help them.
      • His dislike of  Curley meant that when  Lennie and Curley got into a fight, George ordered Lennie to fight back against him, even though it could get them both into a lot of trouble.
        • Violence- Compared to Lennie, George is not  very violent person. But, he can be aggressive.
          • When Candy first  tries to get involved in his and Lennie's dream, he is immediately defensive. Until he realizes Candy is trying to help them.
      • At the end of the novel, George is free of Lennie and he could finally 'live so easily' just like he said he wanted in chapter 1. But Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie's death isn't a happy ending  for George, he will be extremely lonely without him.
        • Destiny-  George often recites the dream just to keep Lennie happy, but sometimes gets so sucked in he believes it himself.
          • Dreams- It is also Georges dream to buy a farm and live there with animals but Lennie is the one who believes it,whereas George realizes its an unreachable dream. Could foreshadow that he knows something will get in the way,Lennie may do something wrong.
        • Destiny-  George often recites the dream just to keep Lennie happy, but sometimes gets so sucked in he believes it himself.


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