Tropical Rainforest Management

  • Created by: Ellie R
  • Created on: 31-05-13 17:47
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  • Explain the management initiatives used in rainforests where resources have been extracted (6)
      • Developing rainforest in a sustainable way.
        • One way is through ecotourism
      • Many areas of the country, including the famous Cloud Forest area have developed tourist facilities such as zip wiring and trails through the forest
        • Very popular with tourists
      • Since 2008, government of Venezuala has not issued any further permits to mine gold or diamonds in the Imataca Rainforest Reserve or anywhere else in the country
      • The country does not need to exploit the minerals for economic reasons (due to its oil reserves)
        • Therefore, it can afford to conserve its forest area
      • Chief of local Secoya tribe, stated that $6 billion was needed to do the job properly
      • Texaco has agreed to pay $40 million to cover its share for cleanup of, among other things, some 160 of 600 waste pits created.
      • Local indigenous people have taken oil companies to court due to the destruction of their environment.
      • Companies have done little to manage the effects of extraction
      • Oil extracted from Amazon Rainforest, since 1960s
      • in 2001 Givaudan, a Swiss company, sent a team to Madagascar to survey for new fragrances.
      • It developed 40 aromas that were then sold.
      • The company shared the profits with local communities through conservation and development initiatives.
      • In Malaysia the government has rejected plans to build a coal-fired power plant at Silam, on the island of Borneo.
      • The government decided that it did not want to pollute the area and more environmentally friendly forms of energy would need to be found.
      • The country has vast reserves of coal and other minerals such as gold.
      • The government will not develop these resources at the expense of the rainforest which has many endangered species such as the orangutan.
      • Instead it is going to develop ecotourism, emphasising the natural attractions such as world-class diving and the biologically diverse tropical rainforest.
    • Chief of local Secoya tribe, stated that $6 billion was needed to do the job properly
    • Texaco has agreed to pay $40 million to cover its share for cleanup of, among other things, some 160 of 600 waste pits created.
    • Local indigenous people have taken oil companies to court due to the destruction of their environment.
    • Companies have done little to manage the effects of extraction
    • Oil extracted from Amazon Rainforest, since 1960s


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