Bourbon restoration charles X and Louis XVIII

  • Created by: abcpdf
  • Created on: 22-05-13 18:48
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  • Bourbon Restoration under Charles X
    • Louis XVIII
      • 4th son of Dauphin Louis son of Louis XV
      • Manifesto in1813 after Napoleon's defeats promising to recognise some results of revolution in a restored Bourbon regime
      • Allied armies entered Paris March 1814, Talleyrand able to negotiate restoration
        • 6th April 1814 Napoleon abdicated, senate recalled Bourbons to throne
      • Favoured moderate centralist position in an attempt to ensure national reconciliation between ultra royalists and liberals
      • By the time Louis had arrived, it was less a question of taking action than repairing harm done - Baron Pasquir
      • Compte de provence
      • Absent from France for 23 years - limited knowledge of revolutionary changes
      • 24th April 1814 landed on French soil
      • Selected by allies based on fear of Republicanism, only legitimate heir, felt he would divide France the least
      • Jubilations on arrival, 3rd May 1814 from war-weary parisians hailing an end to 20 years of continuous warfare and 1.4 million dead. Many felt Louis was promise of peace
      • Weighed over 17 stone, fat, elderly and unpopular, gout, realist, pragmatic, highly educated, formidable, too cold to be an attractive king
      • Little sympathy for new france -Declaration of verona 1795, ringing endorsement of the ancient regime apart from certain unspecified abuses.
      • By 1805 he had accepted France's post-revolutionary administrative and judicial structure in event of restoration
      • Recognised that Estates General couldn't be revived, instead there would be permanent single-chamber legislature
      • Strong belief in his own divine right to rule, accepted no responsibility to parliament
    • Charles X
      • 12th April 1814 entered Paris as Lieutenant General of kingdom until Louis arrived, de facto ruler for fortnight - 16th April - 2nd May 1814
        • Damaged long-term future of restoration as he set up network of agents and collaborators all over France devoted to his own brand of ultra-royalism
          • Virtually parallel government
          • Acted as shadow government with deeply decisive effects by 1820
            • so called 'green cabinet' was headed by Terrier de Montciel, who controlled entire royalist police system that reported back to comte d'Artois
      • Strong belief in system of absolute monarchy
      • Supported ultra royalist views
      • Did recognise that it was no longer feasible to resurrect a society based on  3 legally defined orders
      • After 1814 strove to revive as much of hierarchical system as possible by strengthening the nobility and the clergy
      • Although ultra-royalist policies gained the upper hand before Louis XVIII's death, Charles X's accession accelerated their pace
      • Charming, generous, impulsive, inflexibly conservative
      • Promiscuous youth led him to abandon former ways and adopt religion
  • Birth of two sons of Louis XVI put a stop to royal ambitions - had remained in Paris in 1789 to exploit royal situation
    • Louis XVIII
      • 4th son of Dauphin Louis son of Louis XV
      • Manifesto in1813 after Napoleon's defeats promising to recognise some results of revolution in a restored Bourbon regime
      • Allied armies entered Paris March 1814, Talleyrand able to negotiate restoration
        • 6th April 1814 Napoleon abdicated, senate recalled Bourbons to throne
      • Favoured moderate centralist position in an attempt to ensure national reconciliation between ultra royalists and liberals
      • By the time Louis had arrived, it was less a question of taking action than repairing harm done - Baron Pasquir
      • Compte de provence
      • Absent from France for 23 years - limited knowledge of revolutionary changes
      • 24th April 1814 landed on French soil
      • Selected by allies based on fear of Republicanism, only legitimate heir, felt he would divide France the least
      • Jubilations on arrival, 3rd May 1814 from war-weary parisians hailing an end to 20 years of continuous warfare and 1.4 million dead. Many felt Louis was promise of peace
      • Weighed over 17 stone, fat, elderly and unpopular, gout, realist, pragmatic, highly educated, formidable, too cold to be an attractive king
      • Little sympathy for new france -Declaration of verona 1795, ringing endorsement of the ancient regime apart from certain unspecified abuses.
      • By 1805 he had accepted France's post-revolutionary administrative and judicial structure in event of restoration
      • Recognised that Estates General couldn't be revived, instead there would be permanent single-chamber legislature
      • Strong belief in his own divine right to rule, accepted no responsibility to parliament




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